Welcome to the GatherPress tests

Welcome everyone!

We thank you to participate to the tests!

In coordination with Angela Jin, the GatherPress team was asked to setup a test/demo site in order to test GatherPress in real conditions and gather feedback before to ask the Meta team to integrate GatherPress to the wordpress.org network.

More information about GatherPress on the main website (including a video in documentation) and on GitHub.

This test follows our proposal on the Make Community site on 22 January 2024.

It is set up to work in coordination with the Make Community and Meta Teams, with the help of the Hosting Team, in order to test the potential to integrate GatherPress on the WordPress.org network as an alternative to Meetup.com for our events.

The test here includes user registration, which would be different once on WordPress.org (using WordPress.org user accounts), and new group site creation which would be done by the Community Team.


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