Feedback and GatherPress 0.30.0

Dear testers!!

New version

We added GatherPress 0.30.0-alpha to this demo site and we have some information for you here below. We are waiting for your feedback before to release the final 0.30.0 in about a week.


Big change: by default, the maps are now from Open Street Maps instead of Google Maps. You can go to the GatherPress settings to choose your prefered maps provider between the two.

Alpha plugin

We have an alpha plugin that will fix the breaking changes, as there will be breaking changes until we do not reach the 1.0 version 🙂

Venue addresses

we noted that some of the venue addresses randomly got additional characters, please check the addresses and correct them.


Please also check if your attendees are all there as we changed the underlying mechanism for attendees!

On a separate site?

If you also installed GatherPress on a separate site, head to the GatherPress-alpha repository and grab the corresponding version (alpha 0.30.0 for GatherPress 0.30.0) and add it to your site, then go to the GatherPress settings, to the Alpha tab, and click the “Fix GatherPress!” button. Note that the 0.30.0 version will be available in about a week.


We need your feedback! especially as we are moving with the Meta team for the next steps! We would also love to receive feedback on this 0.30.0 version before to release it!

Please send us your feedback via this form!

If you never logged in: you received an email when you were added to this demo site, with your username and a link to reset your password. You have a site and you are added as an admin! (Here is the full list of participating groups).

If you have tested it, thanks a lot!


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